Amy's World

My heart, my words, my life...take it or leave it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

$75 To Drive To Work

Well, the good news is that I'm not hurt. Last Thursday I hit a patch of black ice on fotville pike, on my way to work. I fish-tailed and started sliding toward a telephone pole, so I imediately started screaming "God! God! God!" (into Andrea's ear, because I was talking to her on the phone, shame on me). Thankfully, the Lord really did a number and spared me. My car did a quick hard turn on it's own, and slid straight out into an open field. The worst problem I had was having to call a tow truck, because I was stuck. For the most part my car is fine (with the exception of some cracked plastic under the front end, no big deal), and I am unharmed. Thank the Lord I didn't hit that pole! When I started fishtailing, I knew I was going to go off the road, but I wasn't sure which side at first. On the other side of the road were a patch of trees, another telephone pole, and some houses, so I'm VERY grateful to have turned and slid off the other side into an open field. The tow truck cost me $75 big ones, but my insurance will reimburse me, so it's all good.

So, that was my little dramatic saga for the week. I know it's not a big deal to those who didn't experience that sharp adrenaline rush that I got that day (or the scare that I caused Andrea, who couldn't see what was going on when I screamed into her ear). All in all, I just thank God for taking care of me. This short-lived event could have had a completely different turnout, so I'm very thankful.


At 2:49 AM, Blogger Nichole said...

I am so glad that God pulled you to the safest place. I'm sure you've already been told this, but next time, no talking on the cell phone when the roads are solid ice.

I hope you have a good week. We need to get together soon. Shepard told me last night that he misses his cousins.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are ok. I Love you!



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