Amy's World

My heart, my words, my life...take it or leave it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Words of Wisdom

I am one of many people who can honestly say that my biggest weakness in life has been the words that have slipped from my tongue from time to time. There have been far too many cases that I have either said the wrong thing at the wrong time, or I have said the wrong thing in the presence of the wrong ears. This is the biggest area the I feel like God is changing in me. Too many people have been hurt because of the way I have used my tongue, and too many people have been misunderstood. It's a powerful weapon that can kill, even when I am not aiming to kill. It's scary to think that the power of life or death is in our tongue, but it's true. I have really flubbed up too many times to count. Thank God for His never ending Mercy.

The Lord is really impressing on me that it is also a powerful weapon that can be used to save lives, and build people up. This is the way I want to use this tiny yet venomous piece of flesh that I am stuck with ('til death do us part). Not that I have never before chosen to use my tongue for the glory of God, or to be an encouragement, but it sure does feel right to know that from this point on, I can make that my most important goal. If a person is able to tame their tongue, and use it only for good, they are able to keep their whole body under control. I just hope that the waves that have been caused by my tongue in the past are now weakened, so that I can begin to see the fruit of my changes. Thank God for revealing to me the dirt in my own heart that He is willing to clean out. Without Him, I am nothing but a dirty wretched scoundral. It is so freeing to know that He can change someone like me into a woman of great purpose.


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Nichole said...

20-something? You've got to be are pushing 30 my dear and it's best to accept that. if you want to be "wise" then you must be old. Ha ha...I'm still young and dumb. :) my husband has enough wisdom for us both.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger AmyJo said...

Hey, I still have until the 19th to enjoy that term. Don't try and steal it from me any earlier than you have to!!!


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