Amy's World

My heart, my words, my life...take it or leave it.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Well, I made it through

I was really having a hard time with the idea of turning 30. The good news is that it's all over. I'm officially no longer "20 something". Now I can move on with my life and just be who God made me to be. An annoying 30 year old who still thinks she's 19. I got the nicest card from my co-workers today. It said "Your face and body still looks 25, but there's something in your eyes that says 30. Tears, I believe it is called." Oh well, you can't stop time, and you sure can't control age.

I can say that God really gave me an amazing "20's" decade. Great times and the lowest possible moments. Every minute of my 20's became a great part of my testimony to God's love and goodness. I will never forget the hardest things that I have ever endured during my 20's, and how painful they were. The difference is that rather than feeling pain in those memories I feel so much joy and appreciation for God's goodness. Oh, how I never want to forget all that He has done for me! There have also been so many great memories to hold on to. Not all memories during that decade are linked with pain and loss.

God is so good, and I am even more excited to see the next decade unravel. God is really laying out an exciting path in my life. I just hope that it won't be as hard for me to turn 40.


At 3:44 AM, Blogger Tracy said...

Happy, Happy,Happy Birthday!
30 is not so bad, Life gets sweeter and we appreciate more the older we get.
I keep telling Randy i am too young to be marreid to a 30 yr old and he gently (or not so gently) reminds me he will be 35 his b-day!

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Happy birthday OLD WOMAN!!!! Hey, I turned 30 last year and it's not that bad :)

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Andy said...

Happy Birthday Amy!!!!!! 30 is nothing. The "40's" are not so bad either!!!! Hope you had a great day. We love you!

At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am proud to be married to a 30-something now. I want to grow old with you.

You are my best friend and I can never truly put words with the love that I feel for you. I'll just do my best to always show you my heart.


The 32 Year Old Husband


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